in this page we can load only items that is tagged as IsNew, IsUpdated and IsPreview.
We moved all namespaces into a single namespace. No matter which (WinUICommunity) library you use, the namespace is always as follows For use in the Xaml: xmlns:wuc="using:WinUICommunity" For use in the Csharp: using WinUICommunity;
<wuc:MainLandingPagex:Name="mainLandingPage"Loaded="mainLandingPage_Loaded" HeaderImage="ms-appx:///Assets/GalleryHeaderImage.png" HeaderText="Demo App" HeaderSubtitleText="Based On WinAppSDK 1.2" OnItemClick="mainLandingPage_OnItemClick"> <wuc:MainLandingPage.HeaderContent> <StackPanelOrientation="Horizontal"Spacing="10"> <wuc:HeaderTile Title="Documentation Center" Description="Learn how to work with controls and styles." Link=""> <wuc:HeaderTile.Source> <ImageSource="/Assets/HomeHeaderTiles/Header-WinUIGallery.png" /> </wuc:HeaderTile.Source> </wuc:HeaderTile> <wuc:HeaderTile Title="WinUICommunity" Description="Experience WinUI 3 quickly and easily with the help of WinUICommunity, Everything you need to develop an application is gathered in one place." Link=""> <wuc:HeaderTile.Source> <ImageSource="/Assets/HomeHeaderTiles/icon.png" /> </wuc:HeaderTile.Source> </wuc:HeaderTile> <wuc:HeaderTile Title="Core" Description="Experience WinUI 3 quickly and easily with the help of Core, Everything you need to develop an application is gathered in one place." Link=""> <wuc:HeaderTile.Source> <ImageSource="/Assets/HomeHeaderTiles/icon.png" /> </wuc:HeaderTile.Source> </wuc:HeaderTile> <wuc:HeaderTile Title="ContextMenuExtensions" Description="add a new ContextMenu for Windows 11/10." Link=""> <wuc:HeaderTile.Source> <ImageSource="/Assets/HomeHeaderTiles/icon.png" /> </wuc:HeaderTile.Source> </wuc:HeaderTile> </StackPanel> </wuc:MainLandingPage.HeaderContent>
if you want to load items to a gridview, you need to Create a folder for example DataModel then add a new json file AppData.json: DataModel\AppData.json
Set BuildAction to Content, if you are in a Unpackaged Mode, set CopyToOutput to True
To see details and descriptions of Json’s properties, refer to this page
if you are using JsonNavigationViewService your data will be loaded automatically and you dont need to do anything, however if you want to change it, you can do like this: